Promise in Brevard
9 AM - 5 PM
Driving Directions:
4105 Norfolk Pkwy, near the AMC theater in Hammock Landing.
About Us
About Promise in Brevard: Promise, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing affordable housing, vocational training, employment opportunities, and a comprehensive resident community program to adults with disabilities in Brevard County. Promise is the first of its kind in the state of Florida to combine all these services and amenities. Promise in Brevard's main campus is located in West Melbourne and is home to 125 residents with a wide range of disabilities.
Resident Community Program: Our Resident Community Program offers vocational training and employment opportunities; transportation services; independent living courses; health, fitness and nutrition classes; and more. Participating residents have more than 60 activities per week to choose from.
Employment: One of the main facets that sets Promise apart from other planned communities is employment. One of our core goals is for all residents who want to be employed to have the opportunity to do so. We are proud to say over half of our residents are employed at 30 different area businesses, including Promise social enterprises.
Social Enterprises: Businesses designed to employ our residents and provide the opportunity for them to help pay for their own independent living needs. These enterprises help generate funds for Promise which, in turn, allow the organization to be self-sustaining. These include Ave's Place Ice Cream, Promise Treasures Thrift Shoppe, Promise Doggy Treats, Promise Candles, and Sweet Sue's Salon.
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