BSO A Symphony Soiree, Celebrating 70 Years
We cordially invite you to A Symphony Soiree, Celebrating 70 Years on April 13th at 6:30 p.m. Join us at the beautiful Tortoise Island home of Dr. Nancy Johnson and Arthur T. Fee Jr. for an evening full of fun to celebrate the BSO's 70th Season! Savor delicious food, delectable desserts, beverages, and fine wines. Live music from BSO musicians, live and silent auctions, and a "Wall of Wine" experience will be offered.
All proceeds go to your Brevard Symphony Orchestra
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 13, 2024
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Residence of Dr. Nancy Johnson and Arthur T. Fee Jr
$150 General Admission
Sponsorship Levels are as follows:
Event Sponsor - $5,000 - Includes recognition at event, tickets for 8 guests, acknowledgement in media coverage and 24-25 concert program book, presented on event marquee.
Food & Drink Sponsor - $2,500 - Includes recognition at event, tickets for 6 guests, acknowledgement in media coverage and 24-25 concert program book, presented on event marquee.
?Entertainment Sponsor - $1,000 - Includes recognition at event, tickets for 4 guests, acknowledgement in media coverage and 24-25 concert program book, presented on event marquee.
Presenting Sponsor- $500 - Includes recognition at event, tickets for 2 guests, acknowledgement in media coverage and 24-25 concert program book, presented on event marquee.
Presenting Sponsor - $250 - Ticket for 1 guest, acknowledgement in media coverage and 24-25 concert program book, and presented on event marquee.